This is possibly Arthur Albert Lawler who was born in Launceston on 1 May 1872, the seventh of nine children of Joseph Lawler (c.1820-1898) and Harriet Barker (1837-1899) who were married on 14 Apr 1856. His sister Emma Jane Lawler is also in the Family Album. Arthur married Annie Reid Hutton at Port Frederick (Devonport) on 13 Feb 1897. They had two daughters: Nellie on 17 Jun 1897 and Millie Forrester on 12 Sep 1898. They also had four sons.
Arthur joined the Devonport Tent IOR in Apr 1895 and filled various offices of the organisation. He was a prominent member of the Salvation Army.
On 18 Feb 1934 at the age of 61 Arthur died suddenly from heart problems at his residence, 43 Purton Street, Devonport. Annie died in her 69th year on 6 Dec 1943.