This is possibly Ellen Mary Croft who was born in Hobart 0n 6 Apr 1866, daughter of Ephraim Croft and Ann Smart. Ellen married Edgar Alfred Luttrell (1865-1924) on 1 Apr 1888. Their children were born in Launceston: Muriel Blanche on 30 Oct 1890, and Nellie Louise, on 8 Feb 1894.
Alfred Luttrell was a member of the General Committee for the Tasmanian Exhibition 1891-92 and official architect. He drew the plans of the Albert Hall for general distribution and designed the annexes and the ticket office.
His architecture firm in Launceston later included his brother Sidney (born 1872) and the two brothers moved to Christchurch New Zealand in the early 1900s where they were responsible for a number of notable buildings.
Ellen Luttrell died in New Zealand on 8 Aug 1911.
It is also possible that this photo is of one of the sisters of Alfred and Sidney Luttrell: Beatrice Sarah, born 20 Jan 1868 or Annie Blanche, born 17 Apr 1870. Both sisters were born in Hobart.