Frank Edward Ritchie was born on 1 Oct 1864, the fourth child of David Ritchie and his wife Mary Amelia Anstice of 'Scone Mills', Perth. He was christened on 10 Jun 1865 at St Andrew's Anglican Church, Perth. From the time he left the Launceston Church Grammar School, Frank worked for the Commercial Bank of Tasmania, and later the E S and A Bank, until his retirement. A keen yachtsman and fisherman, he was a member of the Tamar Yacht Club and the Northern Tasmanian Fisheries Association. He played bowls with the East Launceston Club. He never married, and lived at Westbury for 25 years after his retirement from the bank. Frank died in his 85th year on 31 Aug 1949. His ashes were interred in the Western Wall at Carr Villa.