Emma Jane Gee was born on 30 Jul 1871 in Launceston, one of 14 children of John Gee (1831-1922) and Emma Storey (1837-1892) who married in Launceston on 26 Oct 1854. John was born in Rathmolyon, Co. Meath, Ireland. Emma senior was born about 1837 and died on 5 Jan 1892, aged 54, during the Tasmanian Exhibition. Two of the three sisters pictured in the Family Album were in the Exhibition Choir. John Gee and his four youngest daughters, Emma, Kate, Minnie and Bertha, left Tasmania about 1897 and settled in Adelaide.
On 31 Jan 1914, at the age of 42, Emma married William Bosworth Gray at the residence of the groom in Mt Barker, South Australia. William died only a month later, on 1 Mar 1914, aged 61. Emma was killed by a train on the night of 23 Mar 1920. She and her youngest sister Bertha, who were both very deaf, were not likely to have heard the train as they were crossing the tracks at the Kilkenny Railway Station, Adelaide. Both women were due to board the steamship Karoola for a holiday in Tasmania the next day. Emma is buried in the Gray family plot at Blakiston Cemetery near Mt Barker, where she was joined by her father John Gee who died on 15 May 1922.