Edward Alfred Joyce was born in Launceston on 31 May 1871, the fourth of five children of John Samuel Joyce (1841-1912) and Eliza Jane Carey (1847-1891). Edward served his apprenticeship as a jeweller at Allen's, Brisbane Street. He opened a watchmaker's shop in Wilson Street, Burnie, in 1893. The business later became well-known in Burnie and Hobart as E A Joyce & Son.
Edward married his first wife Fanny Clarke in Launceston on 26 Mar 1894. They had four children, all born at Burnie: Stanley Edward 1894, Eliza (Lila) 1899, Doris 1901 and Greta 1904. Fanny died on 20 Sep 1905. Edward married a second time to Emily Alicia Pitt on 8 Jan 1907 at Carr Street, North Hobart. They had one daughter Gwendolyn at Burnie in 1913. Edward died at Burnie on 2 Feb 1947. Edward's older brother John (Jack) Joyce is also pictured in the Launceston Family Album. See The Examiner 5 Nov 2005, p. 30.